
Celebrities supporting Maggie’s

For enquiries Email us on

HUGE thanks to professional photographer Alex Maguire for allowing us to use his image of Queen Camilla the President of Maggie’s and CEO Dame Laura Lee outside Maggie’s Royal Free.

Queen Camilla officially opened Maggie’s Royal Free!


Hello everyone!

All tickets for Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th June 2025 are now available to purchase under ‘Event Tickets’

It is our ‘A Weekend with Caroline Munro and Friends II’ fundraising weekend for Maggie’s Royal Free

The entrance tickets are £10 each per day

They can also be purchased on the day at reception but we advise you buy beforehand

Once purchased you will receive an Email to print off and bring with you.

All selfies are £10

Selfeis with 2 guests together £20

And so on

All unsigned photos from any guests table is £5

A photoshoot for one guest and you by our photgrapher Andrew Ruff who will produce an 8″ x 6″ photograph that you can get signed at an overall cost of just £20

A photoshoot for two guests and you by our photgrapher Andrew Ruff who will produce an 8″ x 6″ photograph that you can get signed by both guests in photo at an overall cost of just £40

And so on

Every guest will have unsigned photos on their table for which there ia a £5 charge per unsigned photo with money going to Maggie’s at the Royal Free Hospital

You are of course welcome to bring your own photos to be signed with only the charge for the autograph

On Saturday 7th June like our first event all autographs on photos, DVD’s, books, posters etc are £15 each (unless otherwise stated) and there is a 10 autographs for £100 ticksheet deal which covers every guest (unless otherwise stated)

Christopher Neame: £25

Mary Stavin £25

The Saturday £100 tick sheet can be mixed and matched and doesn’t have to be used solely for one guest

Funko Pops are not included in the tick sheet offer and to be signed will vary in price – See individual guests prices below

On Sunday 8th June all autographs on photos, DVD’s, books, posters etc are £10 each (unless otherwise stated) and there is a 20 autographs for £100 ticksheet deal which covers every guest (unless otherwise stated)

Christopher Neame: £25

Mary Stavin £25

The Sunday £100 tick sheet can be mixed and matched and doesn’t have to be used solely for one guests prices below

Funko Pops are not included in the tick sheet offer and to be signed will vary in price – See individual guest

There is one rule that covers the whole weekend and MUST NOT be broken….


Please scroll down for more information, including photos and prices per guest

The signing times will be added when known


Here are our current Star Wars guests who will be with us on Sunday 8th June all raising money for Maggie’s Royal Free and ALL coming for free!

C. Andrew Nelson
Tina Simmons
Jerome Blake
Stephanie English
Rick Stanley
John Altman
Daniel Eghan
John Simkin
Trevor Butterfield
Andy Abbott
Brian Wheeler
John Coppinger
Peter Ross
David Stone
Matt Beauman-Jones
Danny D’Arcy
Ian Roberts
Victor Botha
David Cheung
Matt Tyler
Ross Sambridge
Amanda Lawrence
Keith De’Winter
Callan Taverner
Celina Nessa
Richard Stride
James Taylor
Nick Owenford
Chris Bunn
Ross Carter
Filiz Fairweather
Peter Roy
Eileen Roberts
Kevin McCarthy
Kamay Lau
Hilton McRea
Jack McKenzie
Tim Dry
Vic Armstrong
Wendy Leech 


Jonathan Cass

Please scroll down for everything you need to know about

‘A Weekend with Caroline Munro and Friends II’

on the 7th and 8th of June


So far our Saturday 7th June guests for guests for you!

Caroline Munro (The Boss!)

Christopher Neame

Mary Stavin

Martine Beswick

Jerome Blake

Kevin R. McNally

Carole Ashby

Adrian Hall

Heather Ripley

Brigitte Millar

James Bolam

Susan Jameson

Janina Faye

John Moreno

Judy Matheson

Sue Longhurst

Ross Mullan

Callan Taverner

Safira Afzal

Phil Davis

Melita Clarke

Pauline Peart

Eileen Dietz

Marianne Morris

Madeline Smith

Jarred Blancard

Tina Simmons

Suzanne Heimer

Philip Jackson

Pauline Moran

Hugh Fraser

Kamay Lau

Françoise Pascal

Christopher Strauli

Vic Armstrong

Wendy Leech


Martine and Jerome

and C. Andrew Nelson

So far our Saturday 7th June guests for guests for you!

Caroline Munro (The Boss!)

Christopher Neame

Mary Stavin

Martine Beswick

Jerome Blake

Kevin R. McNally

Carole Ashby

Adrian Hall

Heather Ripley

Brigitte Millar

James Bolam

Susan Jameson

Janina Faye

John Moreno

Judy Matheson

Sue Longhurst

Ross Mullan

Callan Taverner

Safira Afzal

Phil Davis

Melita Clarke

Pauline Peart

Christopher Ryan

Steven O’Donnell

Eileen Dietz

Marianne Morris

Madeline Smith

Jarred Blancard

Tina Simmons

Suzanne Heimer

Philip Jackson

Pauline Moran

Hugh Fraser

Kamay Lau

Françoise Pascal

Christopher Strauli

Vic Armstrong

Wendy Leech


Martine. Jerome and Andrew


So far our Sunday 8th June guests for guests for you!

Caroline Munro (The boss!!)

Christopher Neame

Mary Stavin

Eileen Dietz

Cheryl Rowlands

Kevin McNally

Tina Simmons

Edward Dogliani

Paul Marc Davis

Michael Kilgarriff

William Gaunt

Rula Lenska

David Gooderson

Conrad Westmaas

Jerome Blake

Stephanie English

Rick Stanley

John Altman

Daniel Eghan

John Simkin

Trevor Butterfield

Andy Abbott

Brian Wheeler

John Coppinger

Peter Ross

Christopher Ryan

Steven O’Donnell

David Stone

Matt Beauman-Jones

Danny D’Arcy

Ian Roberts

Victor Botha

Damon Driver

David Cheung

Matt Tyler

Ross Sambridge

Amanda Lawrence

Keith De’Winter

Callan Taverner

Celina Nessa

Richard Stride

James Taylor

Nick Owenford

Chris Bunn

Ross Carter

Filiz Fairweather

Peter Roy

Eileen Roberts

Kevin McCarthy

Kamay Lau

Hilton McRea

Jack McKenzie

Tim Dry

Danny Webb

C. Andrew Nelson


Welcome to Andrew Ruff our official photographer

Most of the photos you have seen on our ‘A weekend with Caroline Munro and Friends’ Facebook page were taken by Andrew.

And now surgically attached to his right hip is a printer so he can take a photo and print it in a matter of minutes!

How cool is that!



We all had a wonderful time at Maggie’s Royal Free on the weekend of 8/9th June at our first rodeo!

‘A weekend with Caroline Munro and Friends’

Over the weekend we raised £10,400.00 which brings our running total to £100,000.00

Follow the link below to see our Facebook page with loads of happy celebrity faces!

Please FOLLOW us, LIKE us and SHARE us on all your Social Media sites!!!!

Click HERE


Philip Jackson one of our Maggie’s Little Helpers saying ‘Hi’


Dates for your diaries!!

Name: ‘A weekend with Caroline Munro and Friends II’

Place: Maggie’s Royal Free

Rowland Hill Street





Maggie’s Royal Free is NOT inside The Royal Free Hospital but is a BEAUTIFUL stand alone building at the bottom of Rowland Hill Street (keeping the hospital on your left hand side as you go down Rowland Hill Street)

At the top end is The George pub!

Date: Saturday 7th June and Sunday 8th June 2025

Time: 10am to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday

The nearest tube station is Belsize Park on the Northern Line (a 4-minute walk).

The nearest London Overground station is Hampstead Heath (a 3-minute walk).

Some metered steet parking is available but public transport is much easier.

There is a small ‘Pay As You Go’ car park on the left as you drive down Rowland Hill Street

Please do not park in the staff car park outside Maggie’s Royal Free as there are cameras everywhere and you will get a fine!

The car park is run by an outside company, NOT Maggie’s or The Royal Free Hospital

After 1.30 pm on Saturday and all day Sunday you can park on Residents Parking around the streets opposite the hospital, BUT please check signage!!!


At about 1.30pm on Saturday 7th June AND Sunday 8th June we are getting all the guests from the morning AND afternoon signings outside Maggie’s Royal Free to take a HUGE group photo!!!

You are welcome to take photos, all we ask is that you share them on your social media

If you would like to be part of the AWESOME photo, then you can for £100 per person per day, with of course all the money going to Maggie’s Royal Free

Just make it known at reception and it will be organised for you, with you being front and centre, either standing or sitting with Caroline standing directly behind you



Saturday AND Sunday

Caroline Munro (10am to 6pm)

Caroline’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Caroline and Christopher £20

Selfie with Caroline and Conrad £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Caroline and Christopher taken and printed on day and then signed by Caroline and Christopher £40

8″ x 6″ photo of Caroline and Conrad taken and printed on day and then signed by Caroline and Conrad £40


Saturday AND Sunday

Christopher Neame (10am to 6pm)

Christopher’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £25

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Christopher and Caroline £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £30

NOT in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Christopher and Caroline taken and printed on day and then signed by Christopher and Caroline £40


Saturday AND Sunday

Mary Stavin (10am to 6pm)

Mary Stavin

Mary’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £25

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Mary and Carole £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £30

NOT in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Mary and Carole taken and printed on day and then signed by Mary and Carole £40


Saturday AND Sunday

Eileen Dietz (10am to 6pm)

Eileen’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £30

NOT in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Saturday AND Sunday

C. Andrew Nelson (10am to 6pm)

C. Andrew Nelson

Andrew ‘s prices on SATURDAY will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £25

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Andrew ‘s prices on SUNDAY will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £25

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Saturday 7th June, 2025

Martine Beswick

10am to 2pm

Martine’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

Carole Ashby

10am to 2pm

Carole’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Carole and Mary £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Carole and Mary taken and printed on day and then signed by Carole and Mary £40


Safira Afzal

10am to 2pm

Safira’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Madeline Smith

10am to 2pm

Madeline’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20







John Moreno

10am to 2pm

John’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Judy Matheson

Judy’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Judy and Sue £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £30

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Judy and Sue taken and printed on day and then signed by Judy and Sue £40







Sue Longhurst

Sue’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Sue and Judy £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Sue and Judy taken and printed on day and then signed by Sue and Judy £40







Vic Armstrong

2pm to 6pm

Vic’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Vic and Wendy £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Vic and Wendy taken and printed on day and then signed by Vic and Wendy £40

Wendy Leech

2pm to 6pm

Wendy’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Wendy and Vic £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Wendy and Vic taken and printed on day and then signed by Wendy and Vic £40


Ross Mullan

Ross’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Philip Jackson, Hugh Fraser and Pauline Moran

10am to 2pm

Single price will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Double signed £25

Triple signed £30

Selfie: £10

Selfie of all 3 together £30

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of all 3 taken and printed on day and then signed by all 3: £60


Marianne Morris

Marianne’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Pauline Peart

Pauline’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Melita Clarke

Melita’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Suzanne Heimer

Suzanne’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Janina Faye

Janina’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Phil Davis

Phil’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Jenny Runacre

2pm to 6pm

Jenny’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Brigitte Millar

Brigitte’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Adrian Hall

Adrian’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Adrian and Heather £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Adrian and Heather taken and printed on day and then signed by Adrian and Heather £40

Heather Ripley

Heather’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Heather and Adrian £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Heather and Adrian taken and printed on day and then signed by Heather and Adrian £40


Tina Simmons

Tina’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Francoise Pascal

Francoise’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20







Jarred Blancard

Keith’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Jerome Blake

Jerome’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Susan Jameson

Signing times: 2pm to 6pm

Susan’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Sue and James £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Sue and James taken and printed on day and then signed by Sue and James £40


James Bolam

Signing times: 2pm to 6pm

James’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with James and Sue £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of James and Sue taken and printed on day and then signed by James and Sue £40

8″ x 6″ photo of James and Christopher taken and printed on day and then signed by James and Christopher £40


Christopher Strauli

Signing times: 2pm to 6pm

Christopher’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Selfie with James and Christopher £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Christopher and James taken and printed on day and then signed by Christopher and James £40



Sunday 7th June, 2025

Kevin R. McNally

Kevin’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £15

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 10 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Kevin is not in the 20 for £100 deal but is in the 10 for £100 deal

You can though use 2 of your 20 for £100 ticket stamps for 1 autograph


Rula Lenska

Rula’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Hilton McRea

Hilton’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Christopher Ryan

Chris’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Chris and Steven £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Chris and Steven taken and printed on day and then signed by Chris and Steven £40


Steven O’Donnell

Steven’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Steven and Chris £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Steven and Chris taken and printed on day and then signed by Steven and Chris £40


Stephanie English

Stephanie’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Rick Stanley

Rick’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


John Altman

John’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Daniel Eghan

Daniel’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


John Simkin

John’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Trevor Butterfield

Trevor’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Paul Marc Davis

Paul’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Andy Abbott

Andy’s’ prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal


Brian Wheeler

Brian’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Tina Simmons

Tina’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


John Coppinger

John’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Peter Ross

Peter’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


John Leeson

John’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Michael Kilgarriff

Signing times: 2pm to 6pm

Michael’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Jonathan Cass

Jonathan’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

Tim Dry

Signing times: 2pm to 6pm

Tim’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Danny Webb

Danny’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

Hi Ching

Hi’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


William Gaunt

Signing times: 10am to 2pm

William’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Jack McKenzie

Jack’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

Jessica Martin

Jessica’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


David Stone

Signing times: 2pm to 6pm

David’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Selfie with David and Eileen £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of David and Eileen taken and printed on day and then signed by David and Eileen £40


Eileen Roberts

Signing times: 2pm to 6pm

Eileen’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Eileen and David £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Eileen and David taken and printed on day and then signed by Eileen and David £40


Conrad Westmaas

Conrad’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Selfie with Conrad and Caroline £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo of Conrad and Caroline taken and printed on day and then signed by Conrad and Caroline £40


Matt Beauman-Jones

Matt’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Danny D’Arcy

Danny’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Ian Roberts

Ian’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Victor Botha

Victor’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Damon Driver

Damon’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


David Cheung

David’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Matt Tyler and Ross Sambridge

Single price will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Selfie of both together £20

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

8″ x 6″ photo with both taken and printed on day and then signed by both £40


Amanda Lawrence

Amanda’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Edward Dogliani

Brigitte’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Keith De’Winter

Keith’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Callan Taverner

Callan’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Celina Nessa

Celina’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Richard Stride

Richard’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Daniel Peacock

Daniel’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


James Taylor

James’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Nick Owenford

Nick’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Ross Carter

Ross’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20

For all the highlights of ‘A Weekend With Caroline Munro and Friends’ visit our Facebook page

Click HERE


Filiz Fairweather

Filiz’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


David Gooderson

David’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


Peter Roy

Peter’s prices will be:

Signed photo, poster, DVD, book etc: £10

Selfie: £10

Unsigned photo from table: £5

Funko Pops: £20

IS in the £100 for 20 signed photos deal

8″ x 6″ photo taken and printed on day and then signed £20


On Saturday 8th June 2024

David, Chris, Carl, Tina, Melita, Suzanne, Eileen, Garry, Safira, Guy, Carole, Nicholas, Michael, John, Richard, Pauline, Philip, Alison, Vicki, Vanya, Hugh, Jerome, Claire, John D, Andrew, Judy, Martine, Pauline and Kamay!

All supporting the lady in the centre, Caroline!

And all standing outside Maggie’s Royal Free a cancer after care charity.

David, Chris, Carl, Tina, Melita, Suzanne, Eileen, Garry, Safira, Guy, Carole, Nicholas, Michael, John, Richard, Pauline, Philip, Alison, Vicki, Vanya, Hugh, Jerome, Claire, John D, Andrew, Judy, Martine, Pauline and Kamay along with our liaisons and Maggie’s Little Helpers Matt R, Jeff, Darran, Andrea, Ross, Craig, Kate, Helen and Philip Dewhurst (President of 007GB: The British James Bond fan club) who gave us a FABULOUS donation!

On Sunday 9th June 2024

Carl, David S, Sarvesh, Jeremy, Caroline, Danny, Kenny, Tina, Ross F, Andrea, Darran, Rob, Colin, David G, Lucy, Daniel, Teri, Lesley, Eileen, Andrew, Jack, Mandy, Helen, Jeff, Liz, Tony, Matt B, Ross S, David B, Chris R, Richard, Kamay, Chris B, Mick, Tony, Sophie, Jan, Caroline W, Kate, Mark, Lewis, Kyla, John and Matt R.


For more information about Maggie’s

Helen Muir (Fundraising Manager), Dame Laura Lee (CEO) and Caroline Munro

At Maggies at The Royal Free

Money raised at CovCon

Bond Ladies at CovCon all signing for Maggie’s

Melita Clarke, Brigitte Millar, Vera Fossett, Carole Ashby, Martine Beswick, Alison Worth, Vanya Seager, Caroline Munro, Trina Parks, Beatrice Libert and Maryam D’Abo


Carole Ashby and Mary Stavin

Patrick Wayne with Caroline

Thank you Phil – just need Sting for an ICONIC multi signed photo!

David Gooderson and Hacker T. Dog

John Leeson, Ollie, Chloe, Christopher Ryan and David Gooderson

The Tardis was designed by Chloe and was handmade out of knitted squares and sewn together by Chloe’s Little Helpers!!!!!!


Preorder your unsigned photos here (under Event Tickets)

£5 each

All 10″ x 8″

Caroline Munro and Christopher Neame

Carole Ashby

Mary Stavin and Carole Ashby

Christopher Ryan

David Gooderson

Brigitte Millar

Janina Faye

Judy Matheson


Richard Stride

Madeline Smith

David Stone

Tina Simmons

Daniel Eghan

Phil Davis

John Leeson

Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson

Hugh Fraser

Pauline Peart

Judy Matheson and Sue Longhurst

Caroline Munro

Brendan Wayne

Pauline Moran

John Moreno

Jenny Runacre

Mary Stavin

Christopher Neame

Melita Clarke

Daniel Peacock

Heather Ripley

Adrian Hall

Adrien Hall and Heather Ripley

Sue Longhurst

Kevin R. McNally

Marianne Morris

Jerome Blake

Rula Lenska

Cheryl Rowlands

Martine Beswick

Susan Jameson

James Bolam

Kamay Lau

David Stone and Eileen Roberts

Jerome Blake and Kamay Lau

James Bolam and Susan Jameson

Jack McKenzie

Christopher Strauli

James Bolam and Christopher Strauli

Wendy Leech

Vic Armstrong

Vic Armstrong and Wendy Leech

C. Andrew Nelson

Damon Driver

William Gaunt

Michael Kilgarriff

Tim Dry

Danny Webb

Jonathan Cass

Jonathan Cass and Nick Owenford

Steven O’Donnell